FREMONT, Calif., January. 09, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) — acre often, Inc. shows its embedded solutions, die for digitally photo fields this week January 7-10, at CES to acre often meeting Room 35667, LVVC South Hall 4 to be optimized. These technologies are as software development installation sets (SDKs) available. “acre often embedded solutions for digitally photo fields increase benefit and Muehelosigkeit of the peoples use, if they regard their photos on these increasingly popular devices,” said to Michael of descents, acre often VizePresident of marketing and Business Development. “users make also view RAW pictures without, that first bring documents on a PC.” ArcSoft(R) embedded technologies for digitally photo fields include: — Auto revolution: Automatically if photos turn, around the frame, a comfortable feature to bring together for users, technology is based — Pan&Zoom on acre often FaceTracking(TM): Zoom shots automatically inside and tubs over the illustration to the most important part — the face — also technology is based — automatic red eye dismantling on acre often FaceTracking: And removes red eye automatically determines — RAW decoders: Die announcements RAW pictures, die directly by die DSLR cameras or Kw_higherendekompaktes digitally cameras without having documents to bring to be taken prisoner. — effect lively leafing: Acre often makes singular leafing effect the transition between two photos smoothly and adds a realistic feeling for the Slideshow. Over acre often acre often, Inc. is a prominent software developer of the industry multimedia of the technologies and applications over desk and embedded platforms. Kw_closely working with major Soem manufacturers, offers acre often a full line exposure and video the solutions, die die characteristics, die achievement and to users the experience of mobile phones, of digital cameras, from optical drives, PC of and of consumer electronics devices increases. For further details visit (C) 2008. All rights reserve. Acre often and acre often the trade mark are registered registered trade marks of acre often, Inc. FaceTracking is acre often a registered registered trade mark by acre often, Inc.. all other products and companies, die herein to be called, are registered registered trade marks of their respective owners. SOURCE: Acre often, Inc. acre often, Inc. Michael Downs, 510-440-9901 Ext.. 316 copyright Business Wire 2008
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